Thank you so much to those who participated in City Repair's design-build workshop at the Rebuilding Center as part of VBC 2024! We're finally ready to dust off the project and finish what we started. Kicking off City Repair's monthly Placemaking Event Series, we'll be gathering to add the finishing structure, paint, and weatherproofing for the bench's final home. After the workshop, we'll join in on the All Souls Procession at Green Anchors and Cathedral Park, which is a short 5-10 minute walk away.
Bench Completion + Potluck
Where: Private address in St. John’s - RSVP to for address!
When: 12pm-4pm
What: Completing our design-build bench and sharing food and company! This will be a casual work party rather than a workshop environment.
Bring: A dish, snack or drink to share. Feel free to bring things to be cooked on the grill. We'll be working with tools in a garage/outside with rain cover, so please dress accordingly.
All Souls Procession
Where: Green Anchors, 8940 N Bradford St. Portland, OR 97203
When: Procession from 5pm-7pm, with an optional afterparty
What: A community art event and ritual celebration honoring the dead, complete with costumes, puppets, and live music. Learn more here:
Bring: A Day of the Dead/All Souls-inspired outfit (or makeup and supplies to put together a mask after/during the bench gathering!) Don’t forget to dress for rain!
All are welcome, including folks who did not participate in the original workshop. Let me know if you have any questions and please RSVP by emailing Austin at You're welcome to join in one or both events!